– This is a place where we try to define the unknown by exploring the imaginable.We embrace Arts & Millenial Culture as a tool to think deeper about transformational life topics. In this world of global transition, we try to focus on the individual transformation. So please feel free to discover our STORIES, written by such great and caring people. Feel free to experience our new MUSIC projects, released at our own label. And join the events that we build for you, the homo universalis of today. We are activists. This is K:MAG. –
K:MAG is a community organization on Millenial Culture. We share transformational perspectives through our magazine & conferences build by a catalyzing community of artists, creatives & intellectuals from the Amsterdam area. Disruptive principles by the millennial generation are key within all activities produced by K:MAG.
Founded in 2014 by Fenno Verdaasdonk & Djordje Petrovic, the organization realized his own conferences, label nights, collaboration events and a great amount of in-depht articles on the K:MAG online platform: www.k-mag.nl
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